Saturday, 28 April 2012

Tutorial feedback

I was a little unsure of where i was going with my project so i was glad when i went to the tutorial that my tutor gave great feedback. I couldnt decide which direction to take my work in and couldnt picture any ideas or outcomes. After speaking with my tutor she told me to look at certain artists and architecture for inspiration. I now have a clearer idea of where i am going with my project and feel more confident with ideas.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Wall Installation - Tatum

As i have now decided to create a wall piece for y final piece i started to look at different installation art pieces. This installation is by Jerzy Goliszewski, It is suppose to resemble crumbling of an ice sheet.
I really like this piece as it is very 3 dimensional and creates a really effective surface. I am thinking of creating a wall that is tactile and creates the image of depth within it.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Flock Installation

As i have now decided that i wish to design a wall installation of some kind i started looking into different kinds of installations. This was one i found interesting, the tactility of the pieces and the way it looks different from every angle creates a really interesting piece to look at.

Ceramic installation
Anne Jamison, Debbie Metherell, John Butler, Jonna Behrens.

Flock consists of 4000 component pieces covering a 37 square metre wall. Flock is installed in the central thoroughfare courtyard of the campus, and is perceived differently from each direction.

wall installation, image

complete wall installation

Friday, 13 April 2012

Lauren Bowker Talk

I went to a talk by Lauren Bowker where she showed her most interesting and successful work that she had done since finishing university only a few years before. I was amazed at how much she had achieved at such a young age and found it really inspirational., She created a jacket that changed colour depending on how much air pollution is around, this opened my eyes to how textiles isnt just about fabrics and fashion, it can be any subject.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Photos of Manchester

As i am looking at the architecture of Greece and Manchester i decided to go out and take photographs of buildings around Manchester so i had some visual research to refer to when creating ideas.