Tuesday, 29 May 2012


i enjoyed Unit X as it got me out of my comfort zone and trying new things.  I would usually work simply with textiles in fashion, where as this project got me thinking more about the different aspects of textiles, such as the interiors and installations within textiles.
This project also got me experimenting more with techniques i usually try to avoid, such as embroidery and stenciling, This is because i am a very 'messy' and 'clumsy' worker and i find it very difficult to work with a delicate hand and i like to just get stuck in. However, throughout this project i found that i started to enjoy using hand embroidery a lot as it creates such intricate lines and details.
If anything, i think this project has taught me to push myself way out of my comfort zone as you never know, you just might enjoy it.
I think the thing i found most difficult in this project was getting used to blogging. As i haven't yet had to do this along side a project i was forever forgetting to post and get involved in the blog. I was also slightly confused as to what it was meant for, as i thought it was just a little task along side sketchbook work, which i have now come to realize it was pretty much the other way around so now my blog is clearly lacking posts. However i am now confident in what the blog stands for and is meant to represent so in future my blog will be chock-a-block of posts, only relevant ones of course.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Launch Party

This is just a quick post to say how im really looking forward to the launch party and finding out how everyone's projects went. Iv been a little stressed with the blog recently as iv tried posting a few things and then when iv returned later the posts had gone, so hopefully this 1 will post! And ill recreate the ones i tried to post before. Be good to just enjoy myself tonight at the launch party after this stress!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Context Sheet

This is my context sheet. Here i have included images of sampling i did along the way, such as paintings and stencils. I also included some artist research that influenced my work, so that you can clearly see where my inspiration came from. The final image is the end visualization i created on Photoshop to show how i want my wall panel to be seen.

Friday, 18 May 2012


This is my visualization of my final design. It is a wall that is made of layers of embroidered fabric and stenciling. This piece is inspired by the architecture and cities of Greece and Manchester. The piece is intended to create an interesting and also tactile wall piece that people can interact with while in a social environment.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012



Tatum Farrar: Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth:   07/04/1992
Email:   tatumfarrar_130@hotmail.com

Artist Statement
I am currently a student studying textiles in practise at Manchester Metropolitan University. Since I started university I have become a much more confident and outgoing person. University has helped improve my time management skills to ensure my work is always finished on time and to the best of my ability.
I use many different techniques within my work, experimenting with different medias and materials to help find my own sense of style.

Education and Qualifications

BTEC Diploma Foundation Art and Design
Nelson and Colne College – grade: merit

National Diploma in Art and Design
Photography - grade: Distinction
Textiles - grade:  Distinction
3D Design- grade:  Distinction

10 ranging from A-C

Previous work experience
·         Co Operative Food – During my time at the Co Operative my main duties were to operate the tills and handle the money while maintaining a high set of communication skills with the customers.
·         Pound Stretcher – This was my first job after I left school; I worked as a sales assistant. This job required me you communicate directly with the customers and use the appropriate skills to advise customers on items.
Walton Lane Nursery – During high school I did a two weeks work experience in a local nursery.


All basic textiles skills. I also have a national diploma in photography and 3D design. 


Kate Egan

Head of Textiles In practice,
Manchester School of art,
Manchester Metropolitan University

Joanne Hadcroft
Head of Art and Design
Nelson and Colne College

contextual reference.

 This is another similar artist that i began looking at. Unlike Sandra Hurl this work is a lot more intricate and detailed and makes a huge impact with the smallest of stitches. 

Contextual reference.

Sandra Hurl
As part of my project i am looking at Greece and Manchester from different perspectives and comparing the two, i began looking for textile artists that could link to my work. I found Sandra Hurl's work and was instantly attracted to the use of colour and lines. In response to this research i found some birds-eye view images of both Manchester and Greece so you can see the difference is cities and towns and i will then create embroidered samples in response.


After looking at more images i decided to start experimenting with different shapes that i could see in the buildings, such as these arched windows. I then made a second stencil to create another layer and a sense of 3D.

Responding to photographs.

                                             After looking at photographs of Greek villages I was instantly reminded of  stencils. All the squares and rectangles gave me lots of ideas so i instantly started creating my own stencils in response. I then dyed some fabric and put it behind the stencil to create the feel of it being a build up of something, much like the windows in the villages.

The image below is a collage i created. I then cut out shapes to create an unusual stencil and a resemblance between the photo and the collage.